When will eLearning days be used?
eLearning days will be utilized for inclement weather days.
How will students and parents be notified if an eLearning day will be used?
eLearning Day notifications will be send out via School Messenger and on the school websites.
How will my child access course information on an eLearning Day?
Course information will be made available for students through their SD150 Canvas account.
When will eLearning day assignments be posted?
eLearning assignments will be made available by 9:00AM.
How long is the assignment completion window?
Students will have 3 school days to complete their eLearning assignments. If a student does not turn in their homework by the end of the completion window they will be marked absent for the eLearning day.
Do students have to complete assignments in Canvas?
Teachers may opt to send home paper/pencil assignments. Teachers may also opt to
assign a hybrid of online and paper/pencil assignments. Learning objectives, instructions,
and assignments must still be posted by the teachers by 9:00 am on an eLearning Day.
How long should I expect my child to work on course work during an eLearning day?
Per Illinois Public Act 101-0012, effective July 1, 2019, reinstates the requirement that a school day consists of a minimum of five hours of instructional time, but now authorizes school districts statewide to utilize “E-Learning Days” in lieu of emergency days, and allows students to engage in career-connected learning outside of the classroom.
What happens if my child needs assistance?
Students and parents may contact a teacher via the teachers's email or REMIND (if their teacher is utilizing the app). Teachers will have designated office hours from
10:00AM to 11:30AM and 12:30PM to 2:00PM during an eLearning Day. Parents may also contact administrators via email and building phone numbers.
What do I do if I have a technology related question during an eLearning day?
Parents and students can contact the Technology Help Desk at [email protected].
What are the expectations if our family does not have Internet access at home?
The computer lab at McKinley Junior High will be open before/after school for one hour on each of the three school days following an eLearning Day.
Locations for Public Wi-Fi:
South Holland Public Library
South Holland Community Center
How will attendance be taken?
All students are marked present on an eLearning Day. If a student does not complete the assignments in for their classes from the eLearning Day the office will be made aware and that student will be marked absent.
Will Pre-K students attend school?
No, Pre-K students will not attend school during an eLearning Day.
How will eLearning days impact after school activities?
All after school activities will be cancelled on an eLearning Day.
Will student with special education accommodations have alternative means to access their education on eLearning Days?
Yes, students with IEP's, ILP's, and Section 504 Plans will have accommodations provided by their special education teachers.